FGM Hessen

Online medical consultation for your questions about female circumcision

Have you been affected by female genital mutilation – even if it happened a long time ago – and have urgent questions or pain? Are you afraid to go to a doctor or don’t know how or where to get medical help?

In the
free online consultation
you can speak to a doctor who is familiar with the topic of female genital mutilation and we can organize an interpreter to translate for you during the consultation.You are also welcome to bring someone you trust with you.

We offer a fixed date once a month.
You can also contact us directly to arrange another appointment. Give us a call or send us an e-mail and we will get back to you within 2 days.


by telephone under:
or by e-mail at:

We also offer counseling sessions for medical professionals and specialists from educational and social professions. You can find more information on our website forSpecialists
